another week passed by, didnt even feel it.nothing major happened, that's interesting enough to blog paragraphs,i'm just gonna type random stuffs that i can remember off my head now ;)
TUESDAY, 070709
- puasa-ed today, opened with cheff inn's rendang ayam+white rice+sambal tempe heated up by me :)
- had clinical skills, learnt how to do a rectal examination.can say i'm quite good at it.any volunteers?? *smiles innocently*
- that night, i burnt my study attempts. but at least my darling housemate tried, just not hard enough.hehe
- puasa-ed again, this time with shee. 3 of us had dinner in basil,regardless that it was raining ribut outside.haha.had a great makan-makan session with laughter.
- was picked to present during microb sdl.went smoothly enough :)
- learnt all about the ubat for the disturbed ppl, was intro-ed to my fav drug since primary, THE BARBITURATES (cos i liked the way it sounded). say it with me barrr-bi-tu-raat. cool kan? haha
- owh owh, and today was our 23rd month :)
THURSDAY, 090709
- died when i had to wake up for a 8am class. on my defence,it was raining and dark outside.just wanted to stay under my blanket :p
- i am now laden with knowledge about the one and only.. the BLACK PLAGUE. n yes,it is as scary as how the name sounds. n yes,there's still cases of it till now. n no,it can't be eradicated.
- got a copy of transformers2 thats bearable to watch *finally*. was jumping up and down with excitement, and bumblebee is my hero :D
FRIDAY, 100709
- woke up with a nice sight, the sun shines its rays on the manipal land.and it lasted the wholeee dayyyy.
- was cursing my forensic lecturer.had to drag the class till foreverrr.n i was sooo sleepy. i was just plain CRANKY
- went jogging, after weeks of rain. otw back.. [out of nowhere,with no warning whatsoever,suddenly] it RAINED cats and dogs! i reached home sambil perah baju from air hujan.hahaha.
and 2 days more till i'm officially legal~!
so,this sums up the last few days. i'm now gonna finish up my lab reports. sighhh =.=
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