Sunday, July 5, 2009

twilight; when the night comes to life

supremo ball 2009

was superb fun. everyone was dressed to kill. its pretty much the only time we, medical stdnts get to dress up for a special ready at shee's place wif noreen n kak naz. habis kecoh lah that time.haha. already 30mins late,we headed to valley view to be 'fashionably late'. turns out, we were actually quite early! most ppl havent even showed up.sheesh -.-

ate. watched the supremo talent show. watched the corrupted+dirty, yet managed to be funny sketch. enjoyed sheila's performance (wanted to upload the vid.but it was taking forreverr). took PICTUREEEESSSS; some below,more in mukabuku. then,balik :)

twas a truly fun night :))

* btw, the rain from the previous post.. is yet to stop. imagine THAT.

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